Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Candy Corn Towel Folding

While visiting family up North last week, I noticed that my mom and Aunt Cindy both had out their orange and yellow towels.  Knowing these fine ladies, I am certain that this festive decor was no coincidence!  But I thought, how cute to also add a white towel and have a candy corn inspired towel set.  With a sigh, I dismissed the idea, not wanting to spend the money on an orange and yellow towel just for a couple weeks of the year.  When I got home, I realized, that I DO have orange and yellow, and white, washcloths.  So with a little "fussing" (as Dee would say), I folded them candy corn style to the delight of my little Adelae.

There are a few tricks for folding towels.  First, double folding and layering them before hanging or setting them next to the sink gives a full luxurious look.  My mom, formerly a display artist at the old Lion Store in Toledo, OH, shared that towels on display are always doubled on top of each other on the bar, giving that big, fluffy appearance.  Second, also a tip from Ginny, always hide the edges within your folds for a finished look.

To make a candy corn stack like mine, start with an orange, yellow and white washcloth or set of towels.  If you are using towels you might want to use progressively smaller towels or fold them smaller and smaller from orange to white, like I did.  I used washcloths, and here is how I folded them.

Fold two, opposite, sides of your orange washcloth into the center, leaving about an inch in the middle.  Remember, orange is the widest section of a candy corn.

Fold it in half, with the exposed end on the top and the folded end closest to you.

Fold two sides of the yellow washcloth to meet in the center, leaving only the slightest gap in the middle.  Fold about a fifth of the towel in on the left hand side. 

Place the yellow washcloth on top of the orange, leaving a couple inches of orange washcloth exposed and the folded portion of the cloth closest to you.

Flip the yellow underneath itself to butt up to the orange washcloth.  See how the multiple folds and layering makes towels look fluffier!

Fold the sides of your white washcloth to the center so they just overlap.  Remember, white is the smallest section of the candy corn.  Then, fold in, about a quarter of the cloth, the left side. 

Finally, place the folded portion of the white cloth on top of the yellow and tuck the excess underneath, butting it up to the yellow cloth.

Fast, easy, cute, and fun!  Place it beside a decorative hand soap and charm your family and friends by making hand washing a little more sweet!

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