Sunday, November 6, 2011

The Lamb

Ittly Bitty Lutherans continues to follow the Sunday School lesson of our older siblings who today study the Passover story. The concept of death and the metaphor of Jesus as the Lamb is a little beyond our young toddlers and pre-toddlers, so consider this an introduction. Also, we'll introduce our new theme for November, praying with and for your children.

The Story:  We began in the narthex, showing the children the lamb relief, and continued with the abbreviated Passover story. We found the lamb!  What sound does a lamb make?  Baaah! Baaah!  What color is a lamb?  Some are black and some are white like this one.  God gave his people a lamb to help them, to save them.  God told his people to eat their lamb. Partially cover the lamb relief with a red cloth, then pretend to eat the lamb; "give a bite" to the children to pretend eat too.  Then, God told his people to take some of the lamb’s red blood and put it on their door frame. God wanted the people to have the blood of the lamb on their door to keep them safe. Use the red cloth to pretend rub around the door frame to the nursery, and invite children back into the room and sit down.  Ask, What color is my cloth?  Yes, it is red.  God gave us Jesus. Sometimes we call Jesus the Lamb of God.  Jesus died on the cross and his blood was red. Jesus’ red blood saves us.  Parents hold edges of the red cloth and hold it like a tent over the children, making sure children can still see their parent’s face.  Jesus protects you. Jesus keeps you safe.  Jesus loves you.  Jesus gives you his red blood. Jesus died on the cross for your sins.  Place a piece of white cloth on top of the red fabric and instruct the parents to hold on to the white cloth while dropping with red cloth to the ground.  We are covered with Jesus’ blood; we are saved from our sin.  The red blood makes us clean – white and new! 

Make a little lamb lovie blanket.  You’ll need lamb template, 8.5” x 11’ white (or light colored) fleece, sharpie marker, scissors, iron-on patching, pencil, iron, 6-8” length of 1” red grosgrain ribbon.

Make a lamb template on an 8.5”x11” copy paper, or sketch a lamb like the one shown.  Essentially, it’s a big cloud like blob with a heart for a head and a couple stout little legs. 
Cut out the lamb template and place on top of a piece of polar fleece.  Use the marker to make dots around the template.  This works better than trying to trace around the paper.  Cut along the dotted outline.  Singe or fray check as needed.

Reduce the template down to the heart shape head and little legs.  Trace the heart head and legs onto the patching.

Use the permanent marker to write your child’s name on the red ribbon.  Write neatly, but quickly so that the marker doesn’t bleed.

Have your child place the head and feet in place.  Tuck the edge of the ribbon underneath the heart head. Iron the patch material onto the fleece body.  If you're afraid you'll singe the fabric with the iron, pin the patch pieces in place then cover with a towel before ironing.

This Lamb Lovie  make a great (noiseless!) church toy.  Use the lovie blanket to remind your child that Jesus – the Lamb of God – covers us with His love. Point out the child’s name on the red ribbon; the red blood of the Lamb saves him/her.  The heart reminds us that Jesus’ death was God’s way of loving us so we can always be with Him. 

Baby Carlos, covered with the Lamb - held by mommy, Julie
 Teaching your Child to Pray:  When do you pray with your child?  What prayers do you say?  Try praying throughout the transitions of your day - of course at meal times but also try singing Luther's Morning Prayer (our weekly opening song) with your child as you get him dressed in the morning, or Luther's Evening Prayer as you're putting on pajamas.  Try saying the Lord's Prayer before or after nap time.

God commands us to pray because prayer is His gift to us.  Prayer is not something we do for God; He doesn't need our prayers, but gives us prayer as a comfort.  Jesus intercedes for us, taking our prayers to the Father, and so we must teach our children to pray in Jesus' name. 

1 comment:

  1. Since my son loves songs a few months ago I decided to sing the Lord's prayer instead of just saying it at night. Now, I love how he hums with me and sings some words in parts. It makes a mommy feel good when you know your little I partaking in the prayer too!
