
The green table is moving! I'll begin posting again after we're all set up in our new home!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Easter Vigil

It's Holy Saturday! We made it through the Good Friday service - almost! At least half of the family did great! I'll let you guess who was out in the narthex.

Today we have an egg hunt at church - I'm typing this in the car on the way! Grace also has an Easter Vigil service tonight. I've always wanted to go. The Light that dies out on Good Friday is reintroduced during this vigil. It's known to be a very long service - with readings spanning the whole church history from creation. Grace does long well, and with little ones who have to get up early the next morning, I'm certain we won't make it to this service for several years.
Today, amidst the egg hunt, egg dying, table setting, cake baking, making our ressurection rolls and more, I plan to dig up some white candles - votives, tapers, pillars - whatever I can find! We'll light them and have our own little Easter vigil at home as a family. It's not the same as a worship service, but will be a nice way to end Lent, conclude the triduum of Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday, and quietly await the joy of Easter!
Happy Holy Saturday!

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