Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Boxing Up the Green Table on Trinity Sunday

It's official.  And it always happens this way.  You'd think I'd learn by now. 

I fail to trust, but God provides.

After two years of whining, yes, and even crying, we are set to close on the sale of our condo!

I'm starting to realize how much I'm going to miss it.
This is the only home our children know.
We've held Easter egg hunts in the side yard.
We've set our Christmas tree in the living room corner.

Even when you want to move, even when you need the space, even though you should be blissfully happy, moving is still difficult.

The green table and all of it's friends are in the process of being boxed and shipped. 

As a further test to my patience, I'm not even sure where it will end up relocating!

We, however, will be living at my parent's home until we secure our new house, likely in Estero, FL.  Or maybe in Bonita. Or, maybe in north Naples.

Buying a short sale is the pits.

I fail to trust, but God provides.
How is it that I lived in the neighborhood NEXT to Avonlea?

Fleur-des-lis: 3 in 1

Our current neighborhood is filled with fleur-des-lis.  Since Adelae was a little infant in a stroller we've hunted for this symbol of the Trinity together.  (Don't you love it when the world employs Christian symbols without really know it, and you can use them to teach your children the faith!  It feels so sneaky!  I just love it!) 

In preparation for Trinity Sunday, we took one last walk, now with Pete in the stroller and my big girl walking along side, hunting for fleur-des-lis.

3 in 1 (Rev)
How can you celebrate Trinity Sunday without reading 3-in-1 by Joanne Marxhausen?  It's one of my very favorite books!

Apples are pretty good moving food.

I fail to trust, but God provides.

This is my last post until the green table has a new home!  Happy Trinity Sunday!  Eat apples!  Hunt for fleur-des-lis - or triangles - or crosses! At worship, say the Athanasian Creed with gusto! Will you say a prayer for me and my family too?

In a world full of change, it's good to be part of the timeless body of Christ, forgiven, once and for all by the blood of the Lamb. 

I fail to trust, but God provides.

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